Friday, April 17

the little pea

Well, my future children have no hope when it comes to avoiding a massive book collection. Old books, new books, picture books, board books, chapter books. I envision myself at the age of 50, with all my children off to college, thumbing through stacks and stacks and stacks of books, smelling them, yes smelling them, and being unable to part with a single one, each with it's own unique justification for why it should get to stay. That's just how much I love books. And how unable I am to throw things away. Right mom?? And if you've never smelled one of your favorite childhood books, you really need to go back and smell Goodnight, Moon or the Velveteen Rabbit or Try Again, Sally Jane. Something will change for you....

All that to preface a book I just HAD to feature on vittles. I found this on Oh La Tart and followed her link to It's about a Little Pea (obviously) who has to eat five pieces of candy before he gets to eat his vegetables for dessert. Cute.

And how can you not think these simple, happy illustrations aren't just precious? It takes some illustrative skill to make an ill formed green circle lovable. You're laughing at me now, but I told you I love books. And I love reading books to cuddly little p.jammied people.

"yum. yum. extra yum." How cute is that!?




    You were a cuddly p-jammied yummy doll to whom I read Goodnight Moon, Try Again Sally Jane,and all those books only last year!!

    Love the pictures of cute sweet peas!

  2. This is SO CUTE, ERIN!!! I am definitely printing out more of your postings to send to your Aunt Jo and Uncle Jim right now! I love these cute little peas! I love even more your description of reading!

    I love you, Sweetie!
